
Class Management

Manage your members and classes with our all-in-one class manamgement app.

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Free Web Presense

Create your calandar, signup, login, and schedule of class pages. Share it among your peers or members.

Class Management

Create flexible class packages with class Scheduling along with membership management. Customize and craft your own class packages and have your members sign up for it.

Full Account Receivable Processing

Process credit cards every month or however you set it to. Reconcile past dues with cash or credit card payments.

Robust, flexible and complete

Managing online bookings and enrollments all in one app.

Check booking/enrollment rosters of each class. Drop and add members to a class.

Limit the capacity of a class and the number of enrollment per week/month/etc.

Setup recurring or monthly payments and customize different enrollment fees. Have it auto-renew. Craft different tiers of class packages with different enrollment limits.

Download the app for your tablet and mobile phone.

Main Features

It's more than just a class management. It is a complete solution that helps you keep up with account receivables, send invoices, reconcile payments, and manage notifications.

Member Management

View booking information, classes, memberships, and transactions. Reconcile past dues and manage payment types.

Class Scheduling

Create recurring classes. Swap and switch instructors. Block out holidays or blackout dates. Add virtual classes.

Account Receivable

Set up recurring payments. Check past dues and reconcile payments. Export account receivables for accounting.


Edit outgoing auto-notification. Send emails notification out using your own email address.

Class Roster

Check all the enrollments and bookings for a class using the class roster.

Signup Form

Create coupon or promocodes. Add membership and class packages to your signup page.

Other Awesome Features

Every account gets their very own fitsoft subdomain which includes your very own class schedule and calendar page.

Schedule of Classes

List view of the classes along with its start-end time, duration, instructor and booking button.


Login page for member's dashboard. Allows members to update their information and pay for their classes.

Signup Form

Members sign up for your classes and memberships using the signup form.


Calendar view of your current class schedule.

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Sign up for free and see if GagaClass Admin App fits with your business.

Awesome Screenshots

Complete class scheduling, class enrollments, transaction tracking, payment reconcilations, member management, membership management, and many more...

GagaClass App Dashboard
Manage Member Page
Manage Member Upcoming Payments
View Member Transaction
Class Calendar Page
Membership Signup Page
Schedule of Classes Page
Create Member Invoice
Sales Details
Sales Snapshot
View Credit Success
View Other Payment Types Dues
View Other Payment TYpes
Manage Schedule Page
Edit Class Schedule
Add Member to Class
Class Schedule Blackout Dates
Class Schedule Tags and Add Members
Virtual Classes
GagaClass Dashboard Settings
GagaClass Dashboard Settings

App Price

There is no monthly fee or any other additional subscription charges for using the app, however a small credit card fee is applied whenever a credit card charge is made.

Common FAQ

Commonly asked questions

Yes, you can! When you finish creating your class schedule you can add in a custom membership that include those classes and the limit of enrollments.
Our App works with Stripe payment gateway to process credit cards. You will need a Stripe account to process your payments with our App.
Yes, you can! When you signup for our account a plugin code is created already that allows you to add all your pages to your website. Log into your backend portal online and you will see the embedd option on top of the page.

Download our App

GagaClass Admin app can be found at the Apple app store and the Google play app store

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